Web Design


What Are the Challenges of Responsive Web Design?

What Are the Challenges of Responsive Web Design?

Responsive web design offers many benefits, and if implemented correctly, it can make your website run smoother and drive more traffic. But like with anything else, there are some…

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How Strategic Use of Color in Web Design Can Increase Conversions

How Strategic Use of Color in Web Design Can Increase Conversions

Have you ever wondered why some sites are more appealing than others? Of course, a lot of factors come into consideration before constructing a website’s overall appearance, but did…

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6 Web Design Changes That Will Impact Your Conversion Rate

6 Web Design Changes That Will Impact Your Conversion Rate

Website design and conversion rate are inextricable. In other words, if your design is lackluster, you won’t convert a lot of leads into sales. So what can be done…

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What Is Responsive Web Design & Why Is It Important?

What Is Responsive Web Design & Why Is It Important?

We’ve all been there before—you open up a site on your phone expecting an easy-to-use interface, but instead you get huge images, blocks of text, and maybe (if you’re…

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8 Factors of Optimal Website Design

8 Factors of Optimal Website Design

In the online space, the best way a business acquires identity is through a business website that helps users find whatever they want from the business. Amongst the things…

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How to Choose the Right Web Design Company

How to Choose the Right Web Design Company

It is essential to have a website that functions well to enable you to give a positive user experience that improves the chances of converting website visitors to paying…

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How Web Design Can Improve Your Sales

How Web Design Can Improve Your Sales

Digital transformation has led to the development of powerful online tools to enable businesses to improve sales and reach potential customers far and wide. Amongst the advancements made include…

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5 Different Types of Website Hosting

5 Different Types of Website Hosting

When looking for a website hosting provider, there are a few things you’ll want to keep in mind. Price: Hosting providers offer different plans with different price points. It’s…

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Checkout Page Optimization – Streamline the Checkout Steps and Increase Conversion Rate

Checkout Page Optimization – Streamline the Checkout Steps and Increase Conversion Rate

The checkout process is one of the most important aspects of any professional eCommerce website. It’s the final step in the customer journey, and it’s where you convert prospects…

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Landing Page Comparisons for Better Conversions in 2022

Landing Page Comparisons for Better Conversions in 2022

It is extremely important to know the basics of Landing pages and how they can help you in converting your visitors into leads. And owing to the ever-happening changes…

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