8 Factors of Optimal Website Design

In the online space, the best way a business acquires identity is through a business website that helps users find whatever they want from the business. Amongst the things that must get ensured is the website being stunning and functional, giving the business a 24/7 presence even outside the business working hours.

A website design is an essential factor to tackle during website development since the design is the one that attracts customers to the website and enables them to stick there and even make referrals to their friends and relatives. The various factors for optimal website design include the following:


A website that is easy to navigate attracts more customer traffic than one that is complex. The ease of navigation makes it possible for customers to get the required information about the business and make purchases when convinced of the products and services offered. The website users must know where they are on the website and how to get back to a desired page without multiple website redirections that interfere with the entire process. When clients find it hard to use your website, they opt for your competitors’ services, which affects the business revenues.

web designs

Visual appeal

The colors and image combinations used for the website must get chosen carefully, using excellent graphics. The website image is the first thing that customers come in contact with and determines if the customers will open your site to scroll through or not. However, you should be more relaxed and have less text, flash introductions, and animations since it will ruin the entire website image.


The content within the website should be informative and easily understood by your audience, making it easy for customers to get the information they need from your website. The content should get well thought out to ensure that the desired message gets passed to the customers in the most understandable way possible.

website content


A responsive website makes it fast for users to quickly move from one page to another. Before launching the website, you need to ensure that all pages are responsive with just a click to avoid delays that inconvenience the users and discourage them from seeking your services.

User friendly

A user-friendly website means it runs well on different devices while maintaining the same layout for all of them. The website should be optimized so that it runs smoothly without any hitches or distortions to the outlook, whether on a mobile phone, tablet, laptop, or desktop computer.

user friendly website


A website requires an option where customers can respond to the business through a call to action, enabling newsletter subscriptions and product purchases. An effective call to action boosts your chances of converting a visiting customer to a paying one, and they should get used moderately within a page. The concise engagements with customers that visit your website pages make it easy for them to understand your products and services, pushing them to make a purchase.

Business branding

A website is the business’s online face and must get well branded to match the physical business look. The business logo, material print, and locations must coincide with the physical business premises to enable customers to identify the website with the business.

visual branding


Simplicity is key, when it comes to the user interface. A simple website is easy to browse through and access the required content without any struggles or challenges. A simple website puts your business in a better position to have multiple customer conversions, resulting in improved sales.

increase sales


An optimal website design involves several aspects that, when well done, improve the business’s online presence and improve the revenue earned. The user experience with the website must be exceptional to convince them of the authenticity of the business.

Article by Bless Web Designs

We are a web design, development, and digital marketing company a passionate belief in the super power of technologies in an age of digital transformation. We think and act on your behalf. We walk on your side. us, your success is our success and we work to find the and powerful online solutions that fit your digital and print needs.