Your 8-Step Website Redesign Checklist

A website redesign may seem like a big to-do at first, but if you approach things in a step-by-step fashion, you’re sure to have an enjoyable, success-yielding experience.

Below, we discuss an eight-step process that we as a Dallas web design company follow and so can you when you want to redesign your website. There’s a lot to cover, so let’s begin!


1. Identify What’s Working & What Needs Improvement

First and foremost, you need to identify what’s working currently and what isn’t. If you don’t do this, you may change things that were working during the redesign and keep ineffective elements.

Use analytics to identify what your site viewers see as “valuable.” Then, determine what they could do without as well.

When considering an ineffective element, decide whether it should be improved or removed altogether.

Focus on:

  • Which pages are being visited & which aren’t
  • What’s being clicked & what isn’t
  • Which CTAs are successful & which aren’t


2. Identify Your Target Audience

Develop a composite profile based on the users interacting most with your site. Then, you can use this profile to fine-tune your marketing efforts.

If you can put your site in front of users who are likely to engage with it and avoid spending on ineffective channels, you’ll save money and generate more revenue.

Focus on:

  • General user preferences
  • User browsing preferences
  • Keywords being used


3. Set Reasonable Goals

Setting realistic goals before embarking on the web design journey is critical.

Use numbers when possible. For example, determine exactly how many site views you want to achieve in the first month after the new site is live.

Setting vague goals won’t do much good; you won’t be able to assess the effectiveness of changes.

Instead of saying you want “better content,” say “all content should have the following elements” (and then list them).


4. See What the Competition Is Doing

Checking out what your competitors are doing is a good move too. Specifically, you should compare your site to theirs to see what’s different.

If you’re having difficulty determining what’s working for them and what isn’t, approach things like you’re one of their users. How’s the experience? If it’s good, note what you like and figure out how to implement these elements.


5. Give Your Content a Refresh

Do you need to update your content? It might be a good time for a refresh. Content that’s up-to-date and relevant will help drive traffic to your site.

Consider editing:

  • Existing CTAs
  • Existing leads
  • Article & page structures

Also, you should develop a content management system, but more on that later.


6. Implement SEO Tactics

Implementing SEO tactics is crucial; otherwise, your site won’t rank high in search engines.

Here’s what you should focus on:

  • Make sure all pages have meta titles and descriptions.
  • All pages should have a permalink.
  • Content should be written with readability in mind; use short paragraphs, headers, and sub-headers.
  • Keywords should be used throughout the pages.
  • The site shouldn’t take forever to load.


7. Implement Responsive Web Design

Responsive web design means your website should be able to self-adjust when accessed from different platforms. In other words, you shouldn’t get a desktop view on a mobile device or vice versa.

Responsive web design will help users have a seamless experience when they visit your site.


8. Rethink Content Management

Using a content management system ensures your site is regularly updated with valuable content. This doesn’t just help with SEO—it’ll also show visitors that your site is active and thriving.


Choose Bless Web Design for Expert Web Design Services

When you need best-in-class web design services at an affordable price, Bless Web Design is here to help! We’ve been proudly offering a range of custom web design services for years, and we’ll know how to make your site stand out from the competition.

Check out our site to learn more and get a quote now!

Article by Bless Web Designs

We are a web design, development, and digital marketing company a passionate belief in the super power of technologies in an age of digital transformation. We think and act on your behalf. We walk on your side. us, your success is our success and we work to find the and powerful online solutions that fit your digital and print needs.