SEO & Web Design: Everything You Need to Know

Google Search is where most people turn for answers to the questions they have every day, and this is why it’s incredibly important to optimize your website so it’s search engine friendly.

Search engine optimization (SEO) and web design go hand in hand. In other words, if you don’t have a well-designed website that’s optimized for search engines, it won’t rank high on Google Search’s results pages.

Below, we discuss everything you need to know if you want to make your site more search engine friendly. If you implement these tips, you can boost site traffic and make more sales!

Designing a Website So It’s SEO-Friendly


Your site needs to be functional and user-friendly, that’s one of the most important factor for a optimal design. If visitors have a hard time navigating your site because it’s rife with dead-end links or taking forever to load, they’ll probably move on to a site that performs better.

Here are some key factors to consider when you’re trying to make your website more user-friendly:

  • Have a ‘Contact Us’ page.
  • Have a clear visual hierarchy.
  • The pages should be laid out nicely.
  • There should be calls to action.
  • There should be a search function.
  • Navigation should be easy and smooth.

Designed With SEO in Mind

The structure on each page should be visually appealing, and it should be easy to find what you’re looking for. There should be clear headings, and the most important information should be front and center.

Additionally, it should be designed with search engine crawlers in mind, so no blocks of text, no unoptimized images, etc. Also, internal links should be placed strategically; this will help with conversions.

Integrating Mobile With Responsive Design

Websites operating in today’s environment need to be optimized for mobile, since more and more site traffic is coming from mobile users.

An easy way to do this is to employ responsive design. This way, site visitors have no trouble accessing or using your site, whether they’re on a mobile device or desktop.

For example, responsive design will ensure images and text fit a mobile screen, and it’ll ensure drop-down menus are easy to use for mobile visitors.

Easy-To-Read Text

The quality of text is also important. Your site shouldn’t have large blocks of text, and the text shouldn’t be over-saturated with hyperlinks.

Text shouldn’t be too big nor too small, and you should avoid hard-to-read fonts. If your backgrounds are white or black, use colored text. Search engines prioritize text that’s well-written and valuable to site visitors.

Optimized Images

Images should be optimized as well. Specifically, they should have descriptions, and there should be alt text for individuals with impaired sight. Also, the images should be easy to download.

Speed It Up

Your pages shouldn’t take forever to load. If your site is too slow, visitors aren’t going to stick with it. Designing your site with speed in mind is one way to prevent burdensome lag.

Design With Conversions in Mind

A site that prioritizes conversions will generate more sales. Make sure calls-to-action are visible on your main pages, make visitors aware of promotions and discounts right when they visit, and make the process from shopping to checkout 100% seamless.

Choose Bless Web Design to Design a Top-Tier, SEO-Friendly Website

Not an SEO expert? Would you rather have the pros handle everything relating to SEO and web design? Then you need to reach out to Bless Web Design!

Our experts can develop a cutting-edge, 100% customized website for you that’s sure to rank high, drive traffic, and help you close more sales.

Best-in-class web design services for a can’t-beat price? Doesn’t get much better than that! Get in touch with our team now!

Article by Bless Web Designs

We are a web design, development, and digital marketing company a passionate belief in the super power of technologies in an age of digital transformation. We think and act on your behalf. We walk on your side. us, your success is our success and we work to find the and powerful online solutions that fit your digital and print needs.