Creating the Perfect Website Footer: What are the Essentials?

Website footers can give a positive browsing experience for users. Most strong web designs have a highly usable design and layout for their footer. It is required to keep people on site once they have reached the bottom of the page. Footers are usually used to display menu items that allow users to discover more about the company and its products and services. In this post, we will see the essentials the top web designer in Dallas will consider when creating a website footer and what is its significance.

Keeping It Simple

A website footer should be well-structured for easy navigation. The top web designer in Dallas will ensure that users can effortlessly find everything they need without having to scroll all the way up. Hence, they will first focus on the essentials like the main pages, social media links, contact information, etc. Vertical alignment is useful when there are numerous links like product categories and services.

If you want to include an image in your website footer, select the one that is easy to read and understand even when in a small size and avoid complex graphs and statistics. The design should not be complicated, and the colors and typography used should create a cohesive look across your site. To make it more readable and simple on various devices. Make sure it has consistent font size, line height, weight, and letter spacing to create an appealing visual effect.

Include a Newsletter Signup Form

You may also include a newspaper signup form in the website footer. It will help you efficiently collect and verify email addresses for your subscriber list. Your newsletter form must stand out, even as a footer element. Also, ensure that your form only has a limited number of fields. You need to have a compelling and easy-to-understand call to action that contrasts with the color of the rest of the form.

Add Legal Information

The website footer area is a standardized place to state the authorship and ownership of any website. Since your privacy policy is critical to SEO, you must include legal details on your footer. This will help you protect your creative work and provide essential information about the site’s ownership and usage rights.

The common legal options to include in your website footer are a return policy, privacy policy, cookie policy, terms and conditions, accessibility, business licenses, security and credits, and copyright details. Including these links can help build trust with your viewers by showing them that you are a legitimate and registered business that complies with the regulations.

Add Contact Information

This is another important element to add to your website footer. It will help build trust in your business and also give users clear paths to reach you. Make sure that the contact information added in the footer includes the following:

  • Email address: where potential clients can contact you.
  • Name, address, and phone number: These details can directly impact your local SEO efforts. Hence, they need to be updated and accurate. It should also include all your other online listings, like review sites, maps, social profiles, and business directories.
  • Social media icons: This can help you increase engagement and improve ranking.
  • Maps: This will help customers find the business and improve accessibility.


So keep these elements in mind when creating your website footer. They are no longer just an afterthought but a key website piece.

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Article by Bless Web Designs Staff